Category Ajax Filter PRO is a WordPress Plugins being distributed by Trustyplugins.
Category Ajax Filter PRO Nulled Filter posts/custom post type’s posts by category without reload the page. Select specific taxonomy and terms to show on the frontend. It uses AJAX request to filter the posts with many pre-build layouts. Use awesome admin panel to control everything on the frontend like filter layouts, filter color combination, post layouts, post color combination, font size, font-family, pagination etc. Showcase for any type of posts/custom post types. Also it supports all major page builders like Divi Builder, Elementor, WP Bakery, oxygen etc.
You can download Category Ajax Filter PRO from for just for $5.90 . You’ll receive the exact .zip file you would download from the original Themeforest author. You can save up to 99% of the original price while ensuring that the file is 100% free of any viruses or malware.